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Showing: 4447 filtered startups

Blackoatsfarm by ENGDIGEGAARD

Blackoatsfarm by ENGDIGEGAARD is an innovative and ready to scaleup food Company who has recultivated organic blackoats and reinvented the almost forgotten old cereal variety. Blackoats are delightful and simply the best in every human food aspect, and the mission is to disrupt the market for oats, as we control the agriculture, production and sale. By 2023 products from Blackoatsfarm is for sale in web shops and in more than 250 retail stores. The numbers are increasing rapidly. The main product is rolled oats, but new blackoats products was launched in 2023 for food ingrediencies and gluten free baking. Genuine blackoats is so high in protein and fiber as for the purpose of gluten free baking it's not necessary to add bad tasters as e.g., Husks, Chickpeas or you name it.

Bevco blev etableret i 2012 med en vision om at samle de traditionelle drikkevarehandlere i form af cash & carry, vinforretninger, øl- og vandleverandører, drikkevaregrossister og supermarkeder i én total løsning, online til både privat og erhverv. Med dette har vi skabt en totalleverandør af drikkevarer med et bredt sortiment til konkurrencedygtige priser, uafhængigt om du skal bruge 2 flasker vin eller et vognlæs. Vores forretningsmodel og online system giver altid kunden den bedste pris ud fra volumen og leveringsforhold.

HeyWaitr ApS

HeyWaitr was founded January 2021 and is a Copenhagen based fintech / SaaS solution dealing with the HoReCa industry. We reduce waiting time for the guests - they can order their food and drinks with just a few clicks on their smartphones. - without any delay, waiting time and physical interaction. A lot of places are troubled with the lack of qualified staff and have to be highly aware of their cost. We increase the revenue, especially on beverages - it's fast to place a new order via the app instead of waiting for a waiter to come by or go to the bar. HeyWaitr reduces waste via eliminating human flaws. A lot of places are troubled by waiters who by accident types in the wrong order from the guest. Furthermore we eliminate the possibly of the guests either forgets to pay the bill or runs away from it, because th guests are paying when they place the order via credit/debit card, MobilePay or Kevin. We are currently working with everything from famous tourist attraktions like Egeskov Slot to classic cafes. The idea of heywaitr was born at a regular cafe. We were sitting outside, enjoying the sun and had some food and beverages. When we repeatedly had to sit around and wait for 10-15 minutes to get in contact with a waiter to order and had to wait additional 10-15 minutes to pay the bill when we were done eating and drinking we decided that there should be an easier way to handle this. Then the digital waiter was born, and we started out researching and interviewing the managers & owners of some local places.

Experience Design

Our focus is on the many employees who provide value every day to their stakeholders but are held back by inefficient processes and/or systems that don’t keep pace with the technological possibilities of the day. Our mission is to drive value creation through internal functions by using technology to create the best possible Employee Experience. We have chosen the best and modern digital platforms which can be tailored to produce logic and easy to use mobile solutions. With our long experience with process optimization we put value creation and mobility to work – for your employees.


We enable people to be extraordinary so they can do extraordinary things. One of the ways we do this, is to help leaders and organisations with marketing managment that latches on to what causes customers to buy their product/service, so they can realize their organisations full commercial potential. Our vision is to make organisations and leaders see beyond their customers demographics and product category. Customers don’t just buy products/services, they actually pull them in into their life because they believe the value that a product/service add, and will help them make progress from a struggeling moment in a particulair task environment. Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus reframed our view of the universe. The planets revolved not around the earth, but around the sun. Changing a well-established view of the world rarely happens overnight—and even when it happens, it still takes time to fully understand and grasp the new perspective. As you look at marketing through the lenses of the human, what you see is not your customer itself at the center of the universe, but rather the customer’s thinking in a particular task environment. It may seem like a small distinction—but it matters a great deal. In fact, it changes everything.

ZenzeTech ApS

ZenzeTech's mission is to improve the quality of life for people with Parkinson's disease. ZenzeTech is a small startup that monitors Parkinson’s patients’ walking symptoms with intelligent insoles equipped with different sensors. The data is translated into the patients’ courses of disease, which can be used to enhance clinicians’ ability to personalize and optimize the patients’ treatment.


Cyroinvest er et 100 % dansk registreret Anpartsselskab (ApS) der beskæftiger sig med investering og investeringsrådgivning i kryptovaluta. Cyroinvest er en professionel partner til virksomheder, der søger rådgivning og investering i kryptovaluta. Dette betyder også, at Cyroinvest, til trods for at handel og rådgivning vedrørende kryptovaluta i udgangspunktet ikke er omfattet finansiel regulering, i stort omfang vil vi forsøge at følge de regler, der analogt kan finde anvendelse på området. Dette indebærer også, at Cyroinvest vil holde sig ajour med Finanstilsynets Fintech afdeling, og på områder, hvor det findes relevant også at søge rådgivning. Det er vigtig for Cyroinvest, at Kunden føler tryghed i samarbejdet. Cyroinvest sørger derfor at skabe transparens i aftaleforholdet, ligesom Cyroinvest også har udarbejdet politikker samt skriftlige forretningsgange og procedurer på alle væsentlige områder, herunder for ordreudførelse, hvidvask, IT og databeskyttelse, ligesom selskabets regnskaber er underlagt kontrol af revisor.


The problems: 1. Countless Africans lost money because they trusted someone in Africa to conduct a financial transaction or local project on their behalf and got abused. 2. Current E-commerce marketplaces focusing on Africa do not necessarily take into account the diaspora. 3. They do not take into account the consumer to consumer (C2C) aspect as well as the micro and/or informal ecosystems. 4. No easy way exists to find trustworthy partners and suppliers in Africa. 5. Weak business digitization in general and, in particular, lack of several strong E-commerce marketplaces for Africa. The solution : Therefore we created First to solve the problem of Africans from the diaspora (outside the continent of Africa) wishing to build houses, buy land or make similar personal projects in Africa and who could not find anyone trustworthy enough to carry these projects out with. The idea slowly moved towards all types of projects and finally towards all kinds of products and services, to become an E-commerce marketplace geared towards the African diaspora and Africa in general without ignoring the global inherent nature of any E-commerce platform.

Moseholm Yoga

Moseholm Yoga offers yoga sessions across Copenhagen, indoor and outdoors. As well as online yoga sessions on different platforms, and international yoga retreats. Moseholm Yoga inspires people to breathe deep, move with ease and feel good. Spreading bliss and positive vibrations. Besides drop in yoga, Moseholm Yoga offers yoga sessions to closed groups, companies and one to one sessions. Plus non paid, non profit, giving yoga sessions to a group of homeless women in Copenhagen. We always have new ideas and dreams to make come true


PowerPersons is a new platform offering house and garden services provided by professional and top rated service providers. PowerPersons is a sister brand to ‘Dansk Hus & Have Service’ which is already a successful company in the house and garden service industry. ‘Dansk Hus & Have Service’ professional approach to deliver services to their customers all over Denmark have already made them a very popular provider of house and garden services in Denmark. However, handling smaller and more autonomous request can be very time consuming - especially in the cases where there's a lot of information, pricing and questions between the customer and one of the 700 independent service-providers. This is where PowerPersons comes to the rescue with our upcoming multiplatform application, particularly suitable for smaller house and garden services which will make sure all questions are handled automatically in the booking process to give the customers a smooth, convenient booking process with no unpleasant surprises and unexpected charges. The platform is going to make it even more convenient for customers to search, calculate prices and book home and garden services online with no hassle! We are planning to launch the PowerPersons platform in Denmark this year and we expect to be rapidly expanding to other Scandinavian countries and specific German cities next year.


VitaSim provides an evidence-based software package for skill practice in virtual reality (VR). We provide 3 different solutions: 1. Produce VR based content with VitaSim Author. 2. Experience it with VitaSim Study. 3. Explore world-class content from VR creators who are distributing their content using VitaSim Enterprise.


Hvad er produktet? Fastr er en all-in-one service til virksomheder, der kan lease el-løbehjul til deres ansatte og dermed skabe deres egen flåde, hvor de sikrer sig at de ansatte nemt kan booke, komme rundt og er godt forsikret, når de benytter el-løbehjulet. Du kan læse mere på Med vores app kan medarbejderne i virksomhederne frit administrere, og have fuldt overblik over alle løbehjul i virksomhedens flåde. Medarbejderne kan nemt booke et løbehjul gennem appen. I appen kan i både åbne og låse løbehjulene, der gør det nemt og hurtigt på farten.


We create tracking software for the booming esports market, providing media and betting companies with livescores and stats from esports matches. The idea started at a small LAN party, where the organiser couldn't keep track of the score and started looking for software to help. As this didn't exist, the concept of GameScorekeeper was born! We love games and esports, and when we're not working on figuring out how to best get data out of games and presenting it in a valuable way, we're often talking about or playing games, old and new. Like many other startups we have a relaxed atmosphere at our office, and it's an easy place to just be yourself and work with something you love. ApS

Det er Computerfriends' vision at være Danmarks bedste support løsning for private og erhverv. Vi vil være kompetente, fleksible og billige. En sjælden kombination. Ved at have en grundig screening af vores supportere, og en stærk platform, arbejder vi os hver dag tættere på dette mål. Vi glæder os til at løse dine problemer, derved er du med til sammen med os, at ændre markedet for it support til private samt erhverv. Velkommen til en verden af support.


Vi er et fullservice bureau inden for digital læring og formidling. Vi hjælper virksomheder, kommuner, fagforeninger, brancheorganisationer, uddannelsesinstitutioner m.fl. med at digitalisere viden og blive endnu bedre til det, de gør, gennem skræddersyede digitale og blended learning forløb og læringsuniverser.